Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University
The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University was established in 1930 on the basis of the Road Moscow Institute of Transport Engineering and the High School of Road CUDORTRANS. The main objective of the University was to train qualified personnel for road transport, bridge and airfield construction, industry for road construction machinery.
Nowadays the University trains mechanical engineers of road transport, road construction machinery, hydraulic and hydropneumoautomatics; engineers of motor vehicles; mechanical engineers in research, testing and operation of internal combustion engines, engineers of roads, bridges, tunnels and complex mechanization of construction, traffic engineers, systems engineers, economists of road transport and road construction; bachelors in all fields mentioned above.
The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University research team improves the efficiency and reliability of vehicles and engines, reduces their toxicity. It has made a major contribution to the scientific organization of road transport and traffic safety in the cities of our country. University research team has conducted significant research in improving the design of the equipment for road construction. Road scientists improved the methods of testing and evaluation of vehicle operating parameters of highways and airports, the quality of road construction materials, the use of industrial waste in road construction.
The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University is one of the head universities for engineering and scientific training of foreign citizens. The Moscow State Automobile And Road Technical University provides training for students from 67 foreign countries. The university has a preparatory faculty for foreign citizens. Graduates of the specialized department of the Russian language receive a diploma of a translator and a teacher of Russian language.
Address: Leningrad pr. 64, Moscow, 125319