Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) was founded in 1899. SPbPU is one of the oldest technical universities in Russia. Since the foundation of the University a huge number of its graduates have received worldwide recognition in various spheres and won prestigious awards, including the Nobel Prize.
SPbPU became National Research University due to being a recognized Russian and international leader in the field of higher engineering and economic education. Currently it ranks as the leading school in Russia for engineering higher education. At present, SPbPU has more than 30 thousand students and postgraduates, more than 3 thousands of them are international students from 98 countries. The University provides education in the following areas: engineering, physics, economics, humanities and information technologies.
SPbSPU Strategic Development Program determines 4 priority areas of innovative development:
- Multidisciplinary research and High-efficiency computer technologies;
- Newmaterials, Nanotechnologies;
- Power engineering, Energy saving and Ecology technologies;
- Information technologies, Telecommunication and Intelligent computer systems.
There are more than 20 international research centers that are carrying out joint research together with such companies as Motorola, Microsoft, AT&T, Siemens, LG "Electronics", Apple Macintosh and others.
The university offers a wide range of educational courses, including short-term courses, Summer and Winter schools, regular one-term programmes in English, International educational programmes in English (, as well as PhD programmes in English. The University also implements double-diploma programmes (
Address: Polytechnicheskaya str., 29, St. Petersburg, Russia, 195251