Ural Federal University
Ural Federal University is the oldest higher educational institution in the Ural region. It was founded in Ekaterinburg in 1920. After some time the University split into two: the Ural State University (USU), specializing in fundamental, natural and mathematical sciences, humanities and social studies, and the Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI, later - Ural State Technical University, USTU-UPI) which was essentially focused on training engineers for metallurgical, heavy engineering, construction, radio technology and power engineering industries. UPI was also engaged in the dynamic development of the knowledge areas which were new for the state: nuclear power engineering, organic chemistry, telecommunication technologies. Both universities maintained close ties with each other and their partners – Ural industrial enterprises, which turned Ekaterinburg into one of the largest university cities in Russia. Construction of the University campus started in the 1940-s; now it occupies the great part of the city. The merger process of USTU-UPI and USU to create Ural Federal University (UrFU) began in 2009 and was fully completed by spring 2011. Nowadays Ural Federal University offers a wide range of degree programs in Russian and English including Engineering; Social Sciences; Natural Sciences; Humanities and Arts; Economics and Management; IT.
Address: 19 Mira street, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620002
Web-site: http://urfu.ru/en/